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The 1st Video of My Blog's YouTube Channel!

My creativity does not just stop at posting articles to this blog, I needed more! I needed a new way to have fun and get my name out to the world. I want to be a music journalist, it is why I am attending The University of Texas at Austin and any little support helps. Someone gave me this interesting idea to start a YouTube channel for the blog and I just could not resist the opportunity. Even though I am usually shy when I do something outside of my comfort zone which consists of debating and public speaking, I think this channel and the videos will only benefit me.

Now, the first video is nothing spectacular or special, please don't laugh... Or I will hurt you! Just kidding! It was filmed after a long day of classes one week and I just sat in a secluded area around the UT bell tower, which you can hear interrupting me at one point, and filmed a small video with my iPhone. Think of this first one as an introductory piece, which are always awkward to watch. Believe me it was awkward just speaking, people probably thought I was talking to myself as they walked by. Like I said already, the video is nothing amazing, just me describing what my blog is all about and my future goals. I am finally putting a gorgeous face to my work.... See I can be funny too. Check it out below! I hope you will come back and take a look at all my future posts and videos! :)