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having no friends, now i know why i'm really sick...and so are you

So, you may have noticed I switched gears a bit on the Becoming Lola blog. It's a woman's prerogative, what can I say. I will always be a fashion rebel deep down, but the journey to becoming a minimalist at home has made me really face what I am missing beyond my four walls. I think material possessions are masterfully powerful in covering up the crap that you are trying to cover up in your mind. But here's the kicker: when your health starts to turn to shit, you can't really cover that up with concealer or a new dress, now can you? And let's just say I am perpetually chasing after the ideal "healthy" diet, and occasionally flirt with exercise, so I feel confident in that arena, but when it comes to rating my social health...well, then we get into a grey sketchy area. So dressing up and traveling is no longer my priority. If we were to turn this into trendy "new year resolution" jargon, I would say abandoning denial of how small my community is (relationships, friendships, connections, support system, buddy system, et al) is at the forefront like a goddamn glaring zit. And this year, I'm determined to pop that thing wide open and see what's inside. Gross right? Sorry, had to follow through on that metaphor!

So don't go anywhere, and don't get scared. Join me in the challenge. I'll still blog about girly stuff because I do have to put on clothes daily regardless, but I want to get dressed up for reasons I don't currently have. Like brunches with friends, or a girl's weekend vacay, or a date with an eligible bachelor not a life-draining twat. I have worked so hard just to be able to claim "I work hard...I'm working...I'm busy" that everything else has fell to the wayside. And in it's vapid place is roaring social anxiety and a phonebook full of names, but no one to truly call.

I think even when the shiny object syndrome of new year's resolutions has faded, most of us remain are interested in maintaining our health and increasing our eternal youthfulness, so it comes as no surprise the roll of preventive medicine has become almost as important in our society as the yearly checkup. But there may be a key aspect of maintaining excellent health that you've neglected: having several close friends. A bit shocked? Yeah, so was I.

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