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THE DREADFUL DIARIES : Xmas is coming and I wont be getting fat

THE DREADFUL DIARIES : Snow week is officially over....

Well it had to happen sometime. The snow has melted enough for me to make the long and boring journey back to Dublin. Urgh. Was happily tucked away in my hiding place watching films and doing the bare minimum of writing. So now I have no excuse. I have to get the train tommorow and re-enter the big bad world.
Which should be interesting given I do not even own snow boots. Just heels. Expect to see me in your local A&E anytime soon. I'm sure I can find something non lethal to get me through the next three days.
In other news there isn't anything new. Sadly. I know I'm being very sad but lately my life is taken up with writing and hiding from snow. Somehow I've managed to avoid all of it all week. Even though it did mean getting stuck in Limerick for a week and West Cork all weekend.
I am looking forward to re-joining the world. First stop - the Xmas market on the docks in Dublin. I am excited about wandering around wooden huts with a mug of mulled wine. Mulled wine is the best part of Xmas - in fact since I don't like Xmas pudding, mince pies, egg nog or Xmas cake. It's the only part - bar the family tradition of being happily shitfaced before 12 that I enjoy. I do love a good bit of stuffing and turkey though.
But since I hate all the other stuff - it means I don't put on the Xmas 5. You know, the 5 pounds that everyone puts on over Xmas. I just get drunk slightly more.
I'm not really a fan of New Years either. I just don't understand why I should care about it. Just not really bothered! It tends to be the only night of the year that I end up miserable for sure. Last year I spent in good company in the Shelbourne hotel. Only to find it snowing, so leaving early to avoid falling over. (I had the good fortune to pack flats into my bag) I headed back to my place to finish a boxset of House (how sad am I?) only to find my laptop had given up the good fight. I spent the rest of my night trying to fix it and answering calls from drunken friends wishing me a happy new years. Wishing I hadn't bothered to come home!
This year I am looking forward to spending Xmas and New Years with friends and family. Those who love me by choice and by law. So expect drunken Penny to be falling around Dublin, Limerick or Cork. See you then!

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