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Michael Measter

We are thrilled to be able to feature CMI model Michael Measter at Stunning Men with some exciting shots by the great Alex Wightman.

Michael is male burlesque dancer for Adonis Male Revue. He is also an international cover model, featured and published many times over. 

Michael has a stunning physique with perfect symmetry, gorgeous looks and sexiness in abundance. This blond hunk is a very down to earth guy and exudes confidence, which is a great attraction.

These images featured here, presented by gifted UK photographer Alex Wightman, brilliantly display Michael's natural male beauty and sensuality.

All photographic copyrights to Alex Wightman

Make sure to check Crew Models International and discover many more of their stunning models.



Vital statistics:

Height: 5'10”
Weight: 165lbs
Waist: 27”
Chest: 41"
Arms: 16.5"
Eye colour:  blue
Hair colour: blond

Michael' full interview 

Mike, welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you for taking the time to do the interview.
Could we start off by talking a little about yourself? You currently live in Kent, England...

Yes, I have lived in Kent all of my life. I was fortunate enough to go to the local Grammar School where I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent playing Rugby, Football and Athletics. Outside of school, I danced at a National standard, competing in Street and Break dance. I stopped competing aged 13 and began training and competing Nationally as a sprinter. I left school last year, aged 18.

You have a great physique. I imagine your work as an entertainer keeps you fit!
I am so fortunate that my work involves lots of energy expenditure during my time on stage, although I must add the nerves really do help maintain a high metabolism.
And beside your work, how do you keep in shape and healthy? Do you practise any sport?
I am a fanatic of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), and use many military training techniques to keep fit and healthy. I also enjoy keeping an eye on my diet with a healthy mix of carbs, proteins and fats. I have recently began sprint training again, although I find it hard to compete with such a busy weekend.

What are your top three favourite gym exercises and why?
The 'back-flip burpee'. This is a great exercise as the back tuck will accelerate your adrenaline, rapidly increasing your heart rate whilst at the same time a large percentage of muscle groups are activated to manoeuvre the body through the burpee.

Wide Arm Chin Ups. These activate and isolate the lats beautifully, whilst at the same time are an extremely practical exercise.

Wide arm Shoulder Press. This isolates the posterior deltoids, leaving your shoulders feeling stretched and enlarged.

And what’s the best form of cardio for you? 
10 miler. Measurable (Timed) and a good measure of physical endurance.

Now how do you keep motivated?

I always set myself new targets, or make an exercise more challenging. 

Is it difficult to fit training and fitness into your life?
Not particularly, as a student I have a few hours free where I am able to hit the gym, or go for a run.

Now what about modelling? How did it happen?
It has all turned out so well for me. I was contacted and asked to become a talent on roster at Crew Models International, at which I jumped at the opportunity and have been fortunate enough to work with such an amazingly loyal and supportive team.

What do you enjoy the most about it?
Seeing the results highlighted in publications, such as yours, shown by amazing photographers like Alex Wightman; especially after weeks of hard work in the gym or on the track.

Let’s talk about photo shoots ... how do you prepare for them?
Usually, I have my breakfast and lunch as usual, a black coffee at some point prior and of course several weeks planned training before the shoot. 

I have to say that you are a stunning looking guy – what do you think is your best asset?
You're far too kind, thank you!
No, no ... seriously you are!
I would like to think that my best assets, physically speaking would be my abs and my smile.

Agreed! ... And if you could change one thing about your body, what would that be?
My shoulders, I would like them to be slightly broader.

How do you approach a challenge?

Confidence. Confidence in being able to honestly face it, then rise to the challenge.

What do you do in your down time? 
I like to spend time with my family or walking my dogs.

Do you have any role models? People who inspire you? 
My father. My father has always been an inspiration to me.

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?

Yes, I do. I always do my utmost to provide an entertaining and exciting evening for whomever may grace me with their company. 

What do you think is the secret to a good relationship?

Excitement, confidence and honesty. You must both be able to excite one another mentally and physically. Confidence however, plays a huge role in being open with one another.

Are you a brief man or a boxer kinda guy?

I'm torn to be honest, at the moment though, as it's summer the Y fronts do take my preference.

What do you listen to on your iPod?
Jason Derulo. I really like the lyrics to his songs.

Your favourite song or piece of music to play while training or running?
Black Eyed Peas - Where is the Love?

What kind of movies do you like?
I like Action films, like Gladiator, Troy and 300.

What can’t you live without?
Oh, don't touch my Ben and Jerry's Ice cream. The perfect way to end a cheat day.

OK, I'll try not to! ... could you finish these sentences for us?
You wouldn’t know, but I am very good at ...
... catching food in my mouth. 
But I’m just not very good at ...
...  spelling, punctuation or grammar.

What’s the best thing ever invented?
Whipped Cream! Genius!

What three words describe you best?

Extrovert, Encouraging and Exciting. 

One last question Mike, where do you see yourself and what would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
I hope to be a captain in the Royal Marines. I would like to be part of and bring troops back from a war zone.

Mike, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being a good sport. All the best for the future!
I would like to thank Lamont Pinckney of Crew Models International who keeps my model "engine" running. I am grateful for his loyalty and support. And finally, thank you Stunning Men for this great exposure opportunity. Without your genuine interest in me none of this would be possible.
You are welcome! Our pleasure.

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