Many other bigger and better and more renown bloggers do this, but because I have been a lazy blogger of late, I thought it would be nice to share some of my favorite tidbits of the week. Most bloggers run these round-ups on Fridays, but lazy Sundays are about the only time I have to post these days, so I'm going to call this feature "Sunday Best" and hopefully it will keep my five devoted readers sated!
Sunday Best
1. A gorgeous wedding dress for $194!
2. Still loving the Bauhaus-style jewelry from I. Ronni Kappos.
3. Gorgeous Family Trees, via Design Sponge.
4. Loving that journalists still come to blows over weak writing.
5. Had an amazing sandwich at The Cheese Shop, my first trip there in years. If you've never been, it's a must-stop.
6. Stopped into Williamsburg at Home, a decor store with WILLIAMSBURG licensed products. Never thought of Colonial style as my thing, but I was drooling over the ticking stripe bedskirt.
7. In honor of Sesame Street's 40th anniversary, I give you an old favorite: Luis and Maria ballroom dancing. I almost cried when I found this; such a cherished memory!
8. If you're in the Tidewater area, go check out a very cool Warhol exhibit at the Muscarelle.
9. Sean's beard has a fan club.
10. Speaking of which, bemoan the horrific Redskins season with my beloved over at his blog, Eat Sleep Redskins.
I promise to be a better blogger! I'm officially getting my stuff together this week. Seriously.
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