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Mechanical Dummy aka Chris Brown Quits Twitter..But Do We Care??

There has been a recent backlash from celebrities taking to twitter to air out there dirty laundry.  It appears the twitter-beefs nowadays is going too far. Miley Cyrus was one of the first well known celebrities to quit twitter. And now this big cry baby has deleted his account as a way of damage control.

Mechanical Dummy pulled the publicity stunt yesterday. After a weekend  of Rants on how the industry can go "F***CK OFF and how he's not willing to take it back.    So for All of you guys who follow this immature woman beater I'm sure his mindless tweets will be missed.  

Chris Brown’s Twitter Account has been deleted. About two hours ago, Chris tweeted his last tweet: See below meltdown:

WHO CARES ........NEXT!! Follow a real up and coming star Glitz

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