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July '18 Polish Pickup: Roundup of the Fan Favorites

Hullo there dears!  Today's post is a bit different than most I share featuring the Polish Pickup.  The July theme is Fan Favorites and each maker will be bringing back one of their most popular shades!  There were polls posted across all the individual fan groups and the people have spoken...now we get to re-shop for those items we missed, or regret skipping!  I don't have a plethora of selections to share with you but I am happy to show the ones that I did previously blog about.  So stick with me for a couple pictures and links to those posts!  This PPU is a bit different because items will be available through each individual shop so be sure to grab the provided links for the polishes you want.  You'll be able to purchase the Fan Favorites through the month of July, you can check with the PPU site for links and other pertinent info regarding each sale.  Alright, let's jump in!
*press sample* 
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