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Let's ban everything, shall we?

So after smoking, the latest deadly awful thing the Government has banned us from having because they say it's not good for us, is... EGGS!

Possibly one of the oldest health foods known to man, the humble egg has fallen fowl (geddit?!) of new advertising laws set up by the Nanny State (TM). The classic ad featuring Tony Hancock was intended to be shown to celebrate 50 years since it was first aired.

But the advert, with its slogan "go to work on an egg" has been banned on the grounds that eating an egg for breakfast every day does not constitute a healthy diet. Whatever next?? I despair of this bloody Government.

Read the full story on the BBC

PS Thought for the day: Although the Pope was responsible for the world's first known public smoking ban in 1590, as he threatened to excommunicate anyone who "took tobacco in the porchway of or inside a church, whether it be by chewing it, smoking it with a pipe or sniffing it in powdered form through the nose". But the first modern, nationwide tobacco ban was imposed by the Nazi Party in 1941 under direct orders from Adolf Hitler himself.

Nice to know that Tony Blair's legacy will be measured in such laudable company.

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