So it’s that time of year again, time to make my list ranking my favorite games I played this year. I have to first say that as always my list is just the games I played that year, you will see plenty of games on my list that came out a few years ago, and in fact only 1 game on this list came out this year. I’ll also say that I didn’t think I had even played 10 games this, but surprisingly I was had to leave a few games off the list. I will also point out that out of the last few years I have made these lists, this might have been the toughest list I have had to put together. Also if you have read any of my other post know that the scores I give to games in this list reflect how I feel about them compared to the other games on this list, so they might have higher scores or lower scores compared to their individual reviews.
10. Alien Isolation – The first game on my list and I will admit it had some tough competition beating out Infamous Second Son, GTA San Andreas (I was doing a replay, I beat the game when it originally released), and the first Injustice game. What got Alien the spot on this list is the fact that there were moments of total fear when I played this. I will admit there were times I had to take and break and let my heart slow down. However what puts the game at the end of my list is the frustrations I felt playing it. For one, there are a lot of cheap deaths that I felt were unfair. The biggest issue I had was the feeling that the game went about 4 chapters too long. The beginning and ending were amazing, but the middle section felt inflated just too unnaturally extend the playing time of the game. The final scene also felt like they tried too hard to surprise and shock players. Year end score is 7.
9. The Order 1886 – So this game gets a lot of grief, now and when it first released due to the length of gameplay and the amount of QTE events. But here’s the thing, I loved this game this year. Sure it was a quick game, but the gameplay was solid and the story was absolutely fantastic. Seriously I hope and pray this is a game that will get a surprise sequel. The mythology of the first game is so rich, I’d love to see the game get a big sequel that can pick up on some of the pieces that this game leaves behind. If this game was longer and more fleshed out I’d have easily put it higher on this list. Year end score is a solid 8.
8. Sleeping Dogs – Another game from yesteryear that I finally played. This was actually the final game I played in 2017 (completing my 2017 Gamer Goals as well) and I have to say I really enjoyed it. The story in this game is great. I really felt like I was playing a great “Undercover cop getting in too deep” story from a movie. Where this game kind of falls down is the gameplay. The combat is really cool, but also off just enough that it’s not as smooth as it should be. Driving has probably one of the worst cameras in the last 2 generations, and the animations look like this was a PS2 game that was remastered, and not a PS3 game. I know the development history of this game, so I can give it some leeway, but it does feel like this game never got the full love it needed. I didn’t play it on PS3, but I would have expected the issues I have were the same on PS3 and I’m shocked they weren’t fixed for PS4. However what is in this package is fun, and the missions are really well done, minus the odd set of missions in the late game that seem more like tutorial missions for the side missions that feel out of place. Year end score is 7.
7. Mafia 3 – This is a great game that’s only set back is the open world feels a little empty and repetitive. Again this has a great story to it, Lincoln Clay is a great protagonist, and the action is great. Where the issues come into play is the same side missions over and over. While at first I really enjoyed them, as the game kept going I stopped trying to complete them all and just did enough to get to the next main story, which kept the game fun. I just wish they had put in more variety in the game, it would have made the game an instant classic. As it is the game is a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. Year end score is 8.
6. Witcher 3 – OK so I finished the main story of W3 a few years ago, but I always left the monster quest and some side missions so that I could always go back and play some. This year I finally picked up and played the 2 expansions and also went back and finished the monster quest (my favorite parts of the game). There really isn’t a lot I can say because everyone knows this game is amazing and I’m not about to argue that. I will say the only reason this game isn’t in my top 3 this year is because the Hearts of Stone was somewhat of a slog. I enjoyed it enough to keep playing and go on to play the rest of the monster quest and the Blood and Wine expansion, which I completely loved. By the time I was done with this play through, I had completed so much of the game that I felt like I was able to retire Geralt in the way that Blood and Wine sets up perfectly. I’m not saying I won’t play again, but if I don’t I feel great about this game and how I ended it. Year end score 9.
5. Fallout 4 - I’ve wrote previously about my issues with this game so I won’t go into it here, but after Witcher 3 I felt like before I could move on to a “new” game I had to at least play a mission or 2 in this game. I felt guilty that this game had just been sitting on my PS4 for the last 2 years so I had to give it a few hours of play time. I had contemplated using mods, but decided to just play it normal. And here’s the thing, I fell back in love with this game. I loved it so much I spent hours exploring and building settlements, trading, honestly becoming rich, and just having a blast. I completed all the factions, and even played through the endings for both the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel. I wish I hadn’t let a few issues turn me off the game for so long, but I’m glad I went back. The game still has its issues, but damn if it isn’t fun. Year end score is 8.5.
4. WWE 2K17 - Another best of list, and another year of WWE being on the list. While the series may never reach #1 on the list again (WWE 13 did it a few years back) but as long as the Universe mode allows me to have fun creating my own version of the WWE, this series will stay on this list. This past year the game continued my stories from WWE 2K16, and while I didn’t quite get through all the major stories I wanted due to my own time constraints, I still had a hell of a time with this game. Sure it’s not perfect (Damn 2K, let me interfere in matches like we could back in 13 and 14) but it is a great game for WWE fans, which I am. Year end score is 7.75.
3. Until Dawn – I gotta tell you, I put this game off for so long because I was worried it would just be a “walking simulator”, but this game is so much more than that. This game truly is a “choose your own adventure” for horror movie fans. The best part is the game has a major twist halfway through that raises the bar from the previous twist that might even have been cliché. I enjoyed this game so much more than I thought. I can’t wait for a break to go back and replay the game making new choices. I recommend this game to any PS4 players out there, esp to a few of my friends that may have this game sitting on their HD just waiting to play! Year end score is 8.5.
2. Horizon Zero Dawn – This might be a shock that this game isn’t the #1 game, but don’t mistake this as me not fully loving this game. From the story that has a great mythology built in, outstanding graphics, and some of the best action out there. The mythology alone is great, from the way the game has so many side stories tied to the collectibles, to just what “Horizon Zero Dawn” means in the game’s story. The way the tribes in the game all seem real and have their own personality. The machines themselves are a blast to fight as well. The expansion was also great. Set in its own map, the world was covered in snow having its own look and feel, along with another great story that while separate from the main story, feels like if it had been part of the base game it would have fit in perfectly. Also the developers need a shout out for being so fan friendly. From personally talking to players about issues, to releasing constant updates and even rewards for unlocking all trophies. Year end score is a perfect 10.
1. Rise of the Tomb Raider – My number one game of the year is also the first game I played this year. I really enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboot from a few years ago, but this game blew me away with just how amazing it was. The story was fun, it had that Indiana Jones vibe that makes these games so fun. Lara was excellent as well. The game wasn’t a massive open word, it was broken down into hubs and I believe that was perfect for this game. The game had secrets to unlock that might even require you to come back after upgrades to get. The graphics were great as well. The story was just intriguing, I wanted to know more which is how you should feel playing an action adventure game. Lara’s past and her father’s connection has been so well done I can’t wait for the next game (not to mention that new movie!). I had to pull myself away from this game and I still want more (even after playing the DLC). Another great point is that the reboot was given a little grief for being too “Uncharted”, and I have to say that this game raises the bar for the 2 series. I loved Uncharted 4, but this game took back the action adventure crown for the series. As much as I loved HZD, this game just wasn’t touched for me this year and it’s why it is my Game of the Year with a Year end rating of the perfect 10!
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