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OSCAR Student Victoria Fauntroy Investigates the Importance and Effects of HRQoL in Dancers

My name is Victoria Fauntroy and I am a rising senior in the Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP). My project aims to investigate the importance and effects of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in dancers. HRQoL focuses on the physical, psychological, and social effects on a dancers’ well being. The purpose of this project is to 1) describe injury rates in collegiate freshman dancers across one semester, 2) compare dancers’ HRQoL between the start [HRQoL-begin] and end [HRQoL-end] of the semester, and 3) examine if HRQoL can be a contributing factor to injury prevalence over a semester. This project is important because there is little research investigating HRQoL and the overall effect on a dancers’ comprehensive health.

I am passionate about this project as I have been dancing for the past 15 years and am extremely interested in dance medicine as a career. As a dancer, I saw my dance classmates suffer from injuries with no healthcare professional to assist in care. Dance has always been an important part of my life, and I feel dancers endure the same type and severity of injuries as athletes but may not receive the same level of medical care. Therefore, I came to George Mason University with the goal of one day being able to provide adequate care for dancers and their injuries. While at GMU, I met Dr. Ambegaonkar and Dr. Hansen-Honeycutt who have given me opportunities to work with them on projects pertaining to dancers.

This term I have learned a great deal about research, running statistical tests, and writing academic papers. I have also learned the importance of physical, mental, and social health while dealing with injuries. It has been a wonderful experience working with both of my mentors and I hope to continue to learn and grow within my field.

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